Best age to visit
Each child is different, therefore the optimum time to begin orthodontic treatment can vary significantly. As a general rule, 8 years of age is a good time for an initial orthodontic examination. At this age, examination of the early permanent teeth allows the opportunity to identify any developing orthodontic problems.
Your family dentist is the best person to ask about your child’s needs and can refer you for a consultation at the appropriate age.
Getting the timing right means your treatment can be kept as short and effective as possible. Some specific problems are best addressed early, before all the adult teeth are present, while others are best treated once growth has slowed or even finished.
An early orthodontic assessment can help you to plan for the future.
If it is too early to begin treatment, your orthodontist will organise with you to review your child on a regular basis . This way, should any new problems develop, they can be intercepted.
We do not charge for our review appointments.
What to expect at your first visit
At your first appointment we will carry out an initial exam which you may find quite different to your routine dental examination. We will be looking at all aspects of your face, your smile, the alignment and condition of your teeth and your bite.
Following this, we will discuss with you a range of treatment options and you will be given a guide to the cost of treatment.
If additional information, such as specific X-rays or communication with your dentist and/or other specialists is required, then these will be organised for you at this appointment.
If your case is complex or more information is required before we are able to talk to you in detail about your treatment, your new patient appointment may be followed up by a discussion appointment. This follow up appointment is free of charge. This also allows you time to think about your options and have any further questions you may have answered before making your decision.
All treatment options are available on an interest-free payment plan, extending over the length of your treatment.
If you are ready to proceed we are happy to discuss our affordable interest free payment plans. These are flexible arrangements that allow for monthly repayments to extending over the length of your treatment, after an initial deposit is placed. This initial amount may be increased or decreased to suit your needs.